Inspiration Mindset Personal Development

Everything is Figureoutable: You Are More (CPT) Mashup

I set an intention to push myself further this year, especially in my creative career, and within the past few weeks I dove deep into the world of podcasts. Honestly, they never appealed to me (:::gasp, I know:::) until more recently, and I definitely think my longer commute to work has attributed to it. But, two words: game changer (I know, I know, so late on the podcast bandwagon).

This post was inspired by Marie Forleo’s episode “How to Get Anything You Want”, in which she describes one of her mantras, “Everything is Figureoutable” and her same talk on a SuperSoul Session with Oprah. •
In the same token, I just listened to Episode 140 of Andy J. Pizza’s (Andy J. Miller) Creative Pep Talk podcast, “You Are More”. As part of a creative assignment, I did multiple variations for this post, and sharing them all.

Although they’re very different flavors of podcasts, Marie Forleo and Andy J. Pizza share the same message that “You Got This”, you’ve got it within you, so just push through, because simply, the world needs you to.




Thank you @marieforleo and @andyjpizzafor doing what you do best! #MFInsider#CreativePepperoni



Originally published on Instagram: @artlabkma